

The Sexual Attitudes Reassessment offered by Sexplore with Den Temin, engages with a perspective where the crossroads of sex, sexual behaviours, sexualities and gender identities intersect amongst themselves and with other complex identities of our lives and the communities where we live and exist. This lens permits us to engage in a manner in which issues are not compartmentalized but connected. We believe that knowledge resides in each and every one of us and that spaces need to be created and carved out safely and in a non-judgmental manner in order to facilitate this exchange of knowledge between others and ourselves. We build upon skills that already exist and guide the process to discover new tools that will allow us to grow as individuals in order to contribute to the communities we are part of.

As the only accredited Canadian SAR we offer you a northern playground that is a safer space for you to be able to engage with other professionals who are seeking an intimate space to grow.  Our location brings together individuals both from different parts of Canada and the United States. This diverse mix of nationalities, experiences, as well as Toronto’s specific city culture towards sexuality allows for an enriched dialogue that no other SAR workshop currently offered can provide you.

At Sexplore with Den Temin we believe that journeys allow us to ponder, assess our perceptions, and expand our perspective. In these journeys we become sexplorers that come across moments where we delve deep into paths that present us different world views and we encounter guides that facilitate the crossing of bridges in order for us to connect with ourselves, our surroundings and others.

We invite you to participate in a journey within you and in relation to others. Taking part in that journey of self-exploration is not always easy and sometimes it is uncomfortable. It is hard to find spaces that are safe and non-judgmental where it is other individuals who take care of us and guide us through that process.

Let us be your guides by facilitating this journey where you will grow and be challenged to confront yourself both at a conscious and unconscious level. Sexplore with Den Temin and partake in our Sexual Attitudes Reassessment workshop where we encourage you to ponder, assess, and connect!